Women's Fellowship...
Our Women’s Fellowship Ministry brings women from all backgrounds, ages and stages of life together to grow in God’s love. We connect with each other socially and spiritually and are committed to providing services and financial support to our church and community.
Traditionally, we’re able to raise several thousand dollars to support our mission and those of the Church. We’re best known for our annual Chicken Pie Supper in the fall and Christmas Fair in December. These events bring in visitors to our Church from near and far. And, most special is the overflow of amazing baked goods and homemade gifts made by our members.

Since our Church is a historic jewel in the middle of Stowe Village, we participate in Memorial Day, Fourth of July Celebrations, “Main Street Live” on Thursdays and A Traditional Christmas in Stowe.
We have a lot of fun making lifelong friendships and coming together in a safe and loving space. Please join us!