Care through Service

Prayer Team
There is a group of people in our church who are ready and willing to pray for any concerns you have.
Is someone you know or are you ill? Need healing? Relationship problems? Faith need a boost?
We are here to help in praying for you or your family, friends, and neighbors. Just contact the office info@stowechurch.org and list your prayer requests. They will be sent to the prayer team via email.
All prayer requests are kept confidential. Of course we are always seeking to add names to the prayer team of people willing and able to pray for others.
"Hold on tight to what God gave you!"
This was our message this morning, July 21, 2019. Amazing lesson from Pastor Ouma and his beautiful wife from Kenya.

Missions and Service
The Mission & Service Committee’s purpose is to serve God by helping those in need in our local communities and wider world. This growing Committee has 14 current members. The vision is to extend the reach of the church, with all of us stretching out with our hands and hearts, creating a network of caring and love. We raise awareness, collect goods and donations, organize service projects and prayerfully make financial contributions to non-profits with the most impact.
Financial Support: In 2023, Our church made donations to 15 non-profits. 75% are local missions and 25% are global. Global charities supported include Kenyan Orphans, Compassion International and Church World Service. Local charities include Lamoille Community House, Lamoille Family Center, Habitat for Humanity, Lamoille Community Food Share, Meals on Wheels, Clarina Howard Nichols Center, Lamoille Home Health & Hospice and Stowe School Emergency Fund. The Community Emergency Action (CEA) committee became part of the Mission & Service Committee this year. In 2023, the CEA distributed 25 food cards, 28 gas cards, and helped 10 people with other emergency needs including electric or water bills in Lamoille County.
Awareness: Each month there is a Mission Moment during the church service. A non-profit representative speaks briefly about their organization, it’s mission and any needs such as upcoming fundraisers, volunteer opportunities or donations.
Service: The Committee organized several service projects throughout the year including Trail maintenance with Stowe Land Trust, delivery of meals to Lamoille Community House, making of toiletry kits for Church World Service, organizing the youth to visit Copley Woodlands to sing, play instruments and bingo with the residents and helping with a home build for Habitat for Humanity. We worked with local organizations to provide volunteers during the 2023 floods throughout the summer, working especially closely with United Church of Johnson. A special fundraiser raised significant funds to help local flood victims.
Fundraisers/Donations: Over the summer, we had a backpack drive to collect supplies for local families in need. At Thanksgiving, working with other churches and the schools, we provided Thanksgiving baskets to 23 families and collected enough donations for the families to stock their pantries as well. This Christmas, we collected donations for 4 different organizations, including providing gifts for around 30 DCF children, collecting $1900 in food gift cards for 29 local families in need of a Christmas dinner, $500 in teen gift cards for Lamoille Family Center and numerous gifts for Clarina Howard Nichols center. The most recent donation drive was to collect socks/hats for the Lamoille Community House in February. With help from Darn Tough and Turtle Fur, we collected and distributed over 300 items to adults and children experiencing homelessness in Lamoille County.
Like our gleaming steeple, we strive for our church to be a beacon of hope and shine for all to see through our service and support to those who need it most.
Amy Cobaugh, Chair
Our Missions Partners
Kenyan Orphans
Lamoille Foster Parent Association
Lamoille Home Health and Hospice
The Stowe School Emergency Fund